Florida Oranges

Find fresh Florida Oranges in your local produce aisle – perfect for juicing.

Enjoy the Juiciness of Florida Oranges

Florida’s subtropical climate, abundant rainfall, bright sunshine, and unique sandy soil help grow the sweetest and juiciest oranges in the world – perfectly suited for squeezing at home.

What makes Florida Oranges unique?

  • Juicier and sweeter than other oranges thanks to Florida’s unique growing conditions
  • Grown by third, fourth, and even fifth generation Florida Citrus growers
  • Florida Oranges are available from October through June

Beautiful On the Inside: While Florida’s subtropical conditions can cause blemishes on the exterior Florida Oranges, it only enhances what’s on the inside—juicy, nutritious fruit that adds the taste of Florida sunshine to any day. Perfect for making fresh-squeezed juice at home, the possibilities for fresh Florida Oranges are endless.

Nutrition Information

Florida Oranges not only smell amazing and taste delicious, but they are packed with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients (naturally occurring plant compounds) that help support overall wellness. Wellness benefits include nutrients that may help support your immune system, cardiovascular health and skin health.

One medium Florida Orange is an excellent source of vitamin C, a good source of fiber and thiamin, and includes other vital nutrients including:*

*Nutrients provided at less than 10% of the Daily Value per serving.