By: Registered Dietitian Sue Mah
*Sue Mah has been engaged and compensated to write this post on behalf of FDOC, views and opinions are her own.

I have a confession to make. I’m a workaholic.
As a mom, wife, university instructor and dietitian entrepreneur with 3 consulting businesses, 2 kids and 1 dog, my life gets pretty busy. I learned a long time ago though that burnout is not a badge.
To me, #Be100% isn’t about being perfect or doing it all! Instead, it’s about focusing on my health and wellbeing so that I can be 100% for myself and my family. It’s about feeling great and being my best self every day.
Here are my 5 ways to #Be100%:
Here are my 5 ways to #Be100%:
- Stay hydrated. As soon as I wake up, I drink a big glass of water and continue to drink water throughout the day. With lunch, I’ll have a glass of Florida Orange Juice not only to help me stay hydrated, but also for the amazing nutrients it offers – vitamin C, potassium, folate, the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, among others.
- Get enough sleep. Everyone in the house knows when I don’t get enough sleep! Experts recommend 7-9 hours of sleep a night for adults. I feel my best with 9 hours…and sometimes even 10 hours!
- Eat fruit and veggies at every meal and snack. Fruits and veggies are your superheroes that can help prevent disease. My daily go-to’s are grapes, bananas, oranges, cherry tomatoes, spinach and red peppers. To help get enough fruit and veggies in your diet, 100% orange juice is a great complement to boost your daily intake.
- Move your body. Movement is medicine. My fave activities are a spin workout, dog walking, Pilates and yoga.
- Be thankful. Wake up each day with a grateful heart. I’m thankful for what I have – food, family, friends and the dog!
By: Sue Mah, MHSc, RD, PHEc, FDC – Sue is an award-winning dietitian and media personality. As a daughter of a chef, she has a natural passion for delicious, wholesome food. Follow Sue on IG @SueMahRD or